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How To Finally FINISH? (8 Strategies): Stop 2 - The Plan

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Hello my friend,

I write my posts following this mantra: "You teach best what you needed most".

And I can undoubtedly call myself the best at not finishing.

But I am not alone.

Did you know that 92% of New Year Resolutions fail, and only 8% succeed?

I bet you’re one of those 92%, just like me, that’s why you’re here..

Well, that won’t be the case anymore.


Cuz I’ve finally managed to join those 8% on the other side, and..

I’m taking you with me!

Believe me when I tell you.. The feeling over there, is a breath of fresh air.

And after reading this post, you too my friend will be able to say:

"I am a Finisher".

So how exactly am I gonna do that?

I am taking you on a journey from the moment you start thinking about a goal till the moment you shout out loud the most beautiful word in the English language.

No it’s not "I love you", it’s DONE!

In our journey, we’ll be having 8 stops.

Each stop is inspired by a strategy from the book that helped me the most to finally Finish my goals, and soon, will be helping you too.

The book is called “Finish: Give Yourself The Gift of Done”, by the amazing and hilarious author Jon Acuff.

Below is the book Finish through my eyes..

(PS. The structure of this post is completely different from the book. Yet it was inspired by the book's strategies. Here you'll find my ideas blended with the author's, and I would highly recommend you still go and read the book)

If you haven't already, go and check the first stop here.

Stop 2: The Plan

You’re choosing the Habits and Action Steps that will help you reach your Goal..

Strategy 2: Make It Fun If You Want It Done

We get waaay ahead if we’re having fun.

We don’t get tired.

We lose sense of time.

We don’t depend on external motivations.

We don't obsess about numbers and results.

Instead of feeling drained, we feel more happy overall.

We don’t even wait for the moment when we finish,

cuz we’re enjoying right now!

That's why I came up with the Happiness Habits idea:

That when you have a goal,

what smoothly paves the path between you and the finish line,

in my humble opinion, is a daily habit.

An action you take every day that gets you closer to your goal.

However, for this action to be considered a happiness habit,

it has to have 2 traits:

1. It makes you happy today, in of itself.

Meaning if it doesn’t amount to anything in the future,

you’re still enjoying the mere act of doing it in the present.

2. It makes you progress towards building a better version of you, tomorrow.

The flow state of being immersed in an activity,

along with the feeling of progression towards a meaningful goal,

those are 2 of the main ingredients to happiness in general..

So think smart.

You can choose running for cardio..

But you can also choose Zumba parties, football with friends, or even chasing ur kids..

So much fun right?

What if it's hard to pick a goal that is innately fun?

Here's a bunch of other ways to make working on your goal more fun:

1. Add rewards:

Give yourself a treat that you love after each working session.

It could be anything. A drink or a Netflix episode.

You pick what you're gonna look forward to.

2. Add Consequences/ Deadlines:

Many people are more motivated by introducing some challenge that gets them out of their comfort zone.

Yea, some people do find fun in working hard after all.

We don't have to go against the flow.

Swim with your flow. Just ask yourself: "What is the way I work best?"

Then try to implement that.

3. Share with a friend:

Assign a friend the crucial task of keeping you accountable.

It could be a friend, an accountability buddy, a coach or even your social media.

We are social creatures, we looove to tell people stuff about ourselves:D

So why not use that?

Action Time:

This is the right stop to do some creative brainstorming.

Get a pen and paper, and think about all the ways you can make working towards your goal more fun to you.

Attention: Do not skip this step!

Do not postpone the fun time until a later date when you finish all your goals.

You are postponing your life!

Life is just a bunch of days where you work on a bunch of goals.

That date when you finally have time for fun.. That date will never come.

So if we want any fun in our lives at all,

We are only left with one single choice: To make the process itself fun!

Now we're happy and ready for our next stop.. Resource Allocation!

I am so Happy you've reached this far, and I am looking forward to see you in the next post!

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Have A Happy Day:)

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